APSCF is looking for a national expert to provide consultancy services for procurement, from the state budget, of social services provided by CSOs, to analyse the legal framework of the procurement and to come with recommendations for improving the contracting and financing mechanisms.
Considering the evolution of the legislative framework for social services on the one hand, and the development of the network of private providers, including in civil society, on the other hand, there is a growing need for clarity of the mechanisms for contracting and financing social services. Given the national coverage of our network, but also the fact that a large part of the member NGOs are social service providers, APSCF, in partnership and with the support of Caritas Austria, is implementing the project “Capacity building advocacy of APSCF members regarding the mechanism for contracting social services” (2020-2021).
The aim of the project is to provide vulnerable groups with access to relevant and high quality services provided by public and private structures. The project activities are aimed at strengthening the capacities of APSCF member NGOs to promote and increase access to mechanisms for contracting and financing social services.
To this end, the APSCF contracts consultancy services to summarise previously published studies, analyse the existing legal framework for contracting social services provided by CSOs, consult the APSCF working group on the legal framework, existing contracting and funding mechanisms, as well as other issues related to the field of social services. The expert will develop together with the APSCF working group recommendations for improving the legal framework for financing social services from the state budget.
Details about the contracted consulting services and the conditions for submitting the files here (Romanian language).
The deadline for submitting applications is July 30, 2021.