INSPIRE Strategies to End Violence Against Children – Country Factsheet, ©ChildPact & APSCF 2019
Baseline study on social services for people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities and for vulnerable children, by Ludmila Ciocan, 2018
Shadow report on the implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Moldova, a publication of APSCF with the financial support from Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development Germany (BMZ), ©APSCF 2017
Implementation of inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova – summary of sociological study, summary of a sociological study by Ludmila Malcoci and Inga Sinchevich, published with financial support from Global Campaign for Education, ©APSCF 2017
Child Protection Index Moldova, a joint initiative by World Vision and ChildPact, implemented in Moldova in partnership with APSCF. More informations at Chisinau 2016
You can find more publications researching child and family protection in Moldova by visiting the Romanian version of our website or by following this link.