The Alliance of active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Social Protection (APSCF) conducted an advocacy training between June 29 and July 1, 2020, aiming at increasing the participation of CSOs in the decision-making process.
The objectives of the training were:
- Developing the participants’ skills in designing advocacy activities for the organization.
- Developing the participants’ skills to build strategies to attract partners for advocacy activities.
- Improving the participants’ skills to develop plans for promotional activities for the organization.
- Increasing the confidence of CSO’s in being able to initiate, organize, lead and disseminate successful advocacy activities.
The training lasted for 3 days and was delivered online by Aliona Țurcan and Irina Ciumac, consultants from The Organizational Training and Consulting Center (CICO). The 23 participants in the training, representatives of 20 APSCF member NGOs and other organisations receiving grants under the SSMB project are developing by the end of the training an advocacy plan for a problem they want to solve. 5 participating organizations will benefit from support from consultants for the implementation of the developed plan.
The training is part of the project “Better social services through a sustainable partnership between civil society and government” (SSMB) funded by European Union, implemented and co-financed by the Soros Foundation Moldova in partnership with Keystone Moldova, APSCF and the Alliance Organizations for Persons with Disabilities of the Republic of Moldova (AOPD).