Strategic Planning 2021-2025

On April 8, 2021, APSCF organised, in online format, the final consultation workshop of the APSCF Strategy 2021-2025. The workshop, which was attended by 30 representatives of APSCF member organisations, presented the final version of the strategy, developed by international consultant Cristina Rigman.

In the interactive workshop, participants identified priority strategic outcomes for the coming years, including:

  • efficient and two-way internal communication,
  • stable and efficient secretarial team,
  • functional and efficient operational procedures,
  • increased financial and operational stability at the network’s level,
  • functional and accessible mechanism for contracting of social services,
  • increased internal capacities of APSCF members, etc.

Also, the participants started discussions and made commitments on their involvement in the network to achieve the proposed changes in the coming years.

At the end of the event, those present at the workshop stressed the need to increase the capacity of network members and to establish in the future an efficient collaboration between larger and smaller NGOs within the APSCF network. The consulted strategy is to be approved by the APSCF Management Board.

The event took place within the project “Civil society for the right to education for all children in Moldova”, implemented by APSCF with the financial support provided by OXFAM Ibis.