APSCF is looking for a consultancy service provider to develop a communication plan and related visibility materials.
In partnership and with the financial support of Caritas Austria, APSCF implements, between 2020 and 2021, the project “Strengthening the advocacy capacities of APSCF members regarding the mechanism for contracting social services”. The aim of the project is to provide vulnerable groups with access to accessible, relevant and high quality services provided by public and private structures. The project activities will contribute to strengthening the capacities of APSCF member NGOs to promote and increase access to mechanisms for contracting and financing social services.
The project developed a study on the mechanisms for accreditation, contracting and financing of social services, which provided recommendations for improving the legal, financial, institutional and operational framework for regulating these mechanisms. Based on these recommendations, an advocacy plan and a communication and visibility plan will be developed to promote advocacy.
In this regard, APSCF contracts a consultancy to provide technical support in the development of a communication plan and visibility tools and materials that would facilitate the implementation of the advocacy plan developed to ensure the functionality of mechanisms for accreditation, contracting and financing of social services.
The details of the consultancy, the eligibility criteria and the way of submitting the files can be find in the terms of reference of the consultancy available here.
The deadline for applying is February 14, 2021.