The Alliance of Active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Social Protection (APSCF) is looking for a Secretary General.
- Managing of the APSCF Secretariat
- Coordinating the implementation of APSCF projects / programs
- Identifying funding opportunities and developing / writing projects
- Developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks for project proposals
- Monitoring project implementation
- Elaborating the annual activity plan of the organisation and coordinating its implementation
- Elaborating project implementation reports, according to the requirements (periodicity and format) of the development partners
- Elaborating activity reports of the organisation
- Managing projects’ budget and activities, in accordance with the APSCF’s internal procedures and the conditions of the development partners
- Planning, monitoring and evaluating the ongoing projects
- Monitoring the implementation of the APSCF Strategic Plan and assisting the members of the APSCF Management Board (MB) and the APSCF members in its implementation
- Ensuring and maintaining the dialogue with APSCF partners, such as government structures, development partners / funders, national and international organisations and structures
- Elaborating of op-eds / position documents of the APSCF
- Coordinating the organisation and protocol process of the APSCF General Assemblies and the APSCF MB meetings
- Representing of the organisation in various events and platforms
- Monitoring the implementation of decisions, declarations, etc. adopted by the General Assembly and the CC APSCF
- Approving the APSCF’s internal Regulations and Internal Instructions
- Coordinating the implementation of advocacy campaigns
- Coordinating the organisation of events such as: workshops, round tables, conferences, trainings, etc.
- Coordination and communicating with experts hired by the organisation
- Managing the ASPCF funds, execution of transactions and signing of contracts, issuing proxies, opening bank accounts, signing other financial documents, etc.
Details about this vacancy and selection criteria can be found here (Romanian language).
Those who are interested will send their updated CV and a motivation letter to, mentioning “Employment – Secretary General”, until 14.02.2021.
Due to a high number of applications, only pre-selected people will be invited to the interview.