The APSCF’s member organizations were informed in an online workshop, held on September 29-30, 2020, about the results of the study on the mechanisms of accreditation, contracting and financing of social services in the Republic of Moldova. The study was developed in response to the need for civil society for perceiving the existing situation at country level of the mechanisms for accreditation, contracting and financing of social services.
The event aimed to validate the results obtained from the previous analysis and participatory development of recommendations for improving the mechanisms and practices of accreditation, contracting and financing of social services.
The workshop was attended by 35 people, representatives of APSCF member organizations providing social services, other profile organizations, and the State Chancellery. Participants learned about the research results, discussed the challenges facing civil society organizations in providing social services, but also the gaps and ambiguities identified in the legislation both at the level of general legal framework as well as the 3 specific stages of providing social services (accreditation, contracting and financing). The working groups set up analyzed opportunities to improve existing mechanisms and practices and made several recommendations on reviewing and adjusting the legal and regulatory framework.
The APSCF member organizations participating in the workshop reiterated the need to strengthen advocacy and promote a common vision to central and local authorities on improving the mechanisms for accreditation, contracting and financing of social services.
APSCF is to develop an advocacy plan for the promotion and implementation of the agreed recommendations.
The workshop and the elaboration of the study were carried out within the project Strengthen Child Rights NGO Alliance’s members capacity to advocate for social services contracting, implemented by APSCF, in partnership and with the support of Caritas Austria.