Conscious and responsible fathers for a non-violent generation

According to the data published by MSMPS in the CER report for 2019, although 346 adopters were registered in the National Register of Adoptions by the end of last year (308 national and 38 international), only 87 children were adopted. Of the 3483 registered children without parental care, 143 children were, in December 2019, aged 0-2 years, 597 of them – 3-6 years, the vast majority (2153) – 7-15 years, and another 590 – 16-17 years.

In this context, the Moldovan Branch of the Amici dei Bambini Association, with the support of the Eastern European Foundation and OAK Foundation resources, launches the campaign “Conscious and responsible fathers for a non-violent generation”, focusing on the importance of fathers’ involvement in family and promoting non-violent communication and education.

The campaign aims at raising public awareness on how involving the fathers in the family life promotes nonviolent communication and education and contributes to changing attitudes and behavior for the adoption of new practices and rules for sharing household chores and childcare.

The common belief that mothers are the ones who have to deal exclusively with the education of their children is nothing more than a mith. Children need the presence of both parents, especially the ones going through the adoption – they come from disadvantaged backgrounds, often characterized by lack of love and affection, with episodes of violence and aggression. In these situations, the adoptive father has the challenging task of changing the adopted child’s perception of the true role of the man in the family, providing a model of caring father and loving husband.