The Alliance of Active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Social Protection (APSCF) organized, on September 25-26, 2019, the workshop ‘The budgeting and the management process for public finances for education’. The event is a part of the project “Dynamization of the process of inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova”, funded by Global Campaign for Education through the Arab Campaign for Education for All (ACEA). The aim of the project is to promote a constructive political dialogue at national level and to increase the responsibility of the national authorities towards citizens in order to guarantee access to a fair, inclusive and quality education.
The workshop was attended by 23 representatives of the EFA Group, which includes APSCF member and non-member organizations working in the field of education and Universities in the Republic.
With this ocasion, APSCF created an opportunity for the participants to know details about the budget processes and the management of public finances for education. The topics addressed were: public budget – structure, budget classification, educational programs in education, budget programs; budgetary process – budgetary calendar, inter-budgetary relations; budget analysis tools; models of advocacy in the budget process, etc.
During the second day, the participants reviewed the achievements of the project “Dynamizing the process of inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova” 2016-2019, and set the strategic priorities of the APSCF in the field of education for the next 2 years.