Strengthen Child Rights NGO Alliance’s members capacity to advocate for social services contracting

Between March 2020 – February 2022, The Alliance of Active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Protection (ASPCF) is implementing the project „ Strengthen Child Rights NGO Alliance’s members capacity to advocate for social services contracting”.

The OVERALL GOAL of the project: vulnerable groups have access to high quality, accessible and relevant services provided by both public and private bodies.

Main activities carried out within the project are:

  • analyses of main issues on social services financing and contracting mechanisms and related laws in order to develop recommendations and develop advocacy campaigns;
  • capacity building for NGOs to promote and have increased access to financing and contracting mechanisms;
  • organizing study visit in Vienna for sharing experiences and good practices in social services financing and contracting mechanism;
  • meeting with stakeholders for political advocacy.

The project ”Strengthen Child Rights NGO Alliance’s members capacity to advocate for social services contracting” is implemented by APSCF, in partnership with Caritas Austria.