The representatives of the APSCF member organisations met to discuss the strategic plan of the alliance for the next 5 years. The workshop took place on January 20-22, 2021 and was moderated by Cristina Rigman, specialist in strategic planning and development. The workshop aimed at consulting APSCF members on certain aspects of strategic planning, their reflection on the successes, limitations and future aspirations of the alliance, but also the development of the basic elements of the APSCF strategic plan for 2021-2025.
The workshop, although held in an online format, was interactive, and the practical exercises and group work resulted in a dynamic exchange of views and consensus on the topics discussed. During the three days, the representatives of the member organisations of the network managed to analyse the activity of APSCF during the last 5 years, to set the priorities and main directions of activity of APSCF for the next 5 years and to identify the core values of the alliance – proactivity, the best interests of the child, solidarity, sustainable development, accountability, fairness and transparency.