Terms of Reference: Local Child Protection Policy
Development, Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant or Consulting Agency
I. Background
In 2006 Moldova officially launched its child care system reform. This aimed to establish a network of community social assistants, develop family support services and alternative family placement services, and reorganise residential child care institutions. The Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child (MSPFC) were created, with responsibility for childcare system reform. A National Strategy and Action Plan on reform of the residential childcare system, was approved by the Government of Moldova for the years 2007-2012.
The 2007 – 2012 Action Plan on residential childcare system reformcaptures of a number of components, including those with focus on the legal framework, creation of community based services, capacity building, and development of new financial mechanisms, communication and social mobilization, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
Since 2007, the number of children in residential care has decreased by 50%, a number of institutions have been closed, the number of family type services for children has been gradually increasing and there has been a progressive transformation while closure of institutions is underway.
During November 2011 – June 2012, in coordination and with support from UNICEF and OAK Foundation, Tdh has been implementing a project on Final Evaluation of the 2007 – 2012 National Strategy and Action Plan on residential childcare system reform. The objectives of the project is to assist the Moldova Government and its partners in evaluatiing the 2007 – 2012 National Strategy and Action Plan on residential childcare system reformin Moldova and development of the next phase.
For this purpose Tdh, UNICEF, MoE and the MLSPF are seeking a qualified person or Agency who will implement, with support of an international expert, the evaluation process at local level and will participate in drafting the evaluation Report and assist the Government of Moldova and its partners in planning the next phase of the Deinstitutionalization process.
II. Objective of the study
The overall objective is to evaluate qualitative and quantitative results and achievements of the implementation of the 2007 – 2012 National Strategy and Action Plan on residential childcare system reformtowards the planned objectives.
The specific objectives are:
– To provide insight into the current status of the childcare system reformand strategic recommendations for the next steps in the reform process relevant for all engaged stakeholders.
– To assess the contribution of the 2007 – 2012 National Strategy and Action Plan on residential childcare system reformand links with overall reforms of the child care system (this evaluation will not cover overall reforms of the child care system)
– To evaluate the impact of the reform on children’s life, especially the most vulnerable
Scope and focus
The expected evaluation should focus on the following criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.
– assessing relevance/ To what extent the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Planresponds to the priorities in overall social and child protection reforms?
· To what extent the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan meets the timeframe and relevance in terms of development of new policies and legislation?
· To what extent does the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan respond to the needs of the target groups?
· To what extent and how the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan took into account the results of the previous efforts as a basis for planned interventions?
· Were the objectives of the National Strategy and Action Plan set realistically to be achieved in a given period of time?
– assessing effectiveness/ To what extent the implementation of thereform of the residential childcare systemmeets the outcomes as defined by the National Strategy and Action Plan?
· Have the planned results been achieved to date (quantitative and qualitative)?
· To what extent and how did the implementation of the reform of the residential child care system respond to the changing external conditions and unplanned (both positive and negative) effects relevant to the planned results? What strategies have been used to take into account a changing environment? Were these strategies successful?
· To what extent did the implementation of the reform of the residential child care system contribute to decreasing the number of children in residential care?
· To what extent did the implementation of the reform of the residential child care system contribute to increasing the number of children in family substitute services versus those in institutional care? What do children themselves think about improvements in this matter (has there been improvements? What has improved and what has not? Etc). Have the necessary standards / amendments to the relevant by-laws been developed?
· To what extent has the implementation of the reform of the residential child care system contributed to the respect of the rights of children in the social protection system?
– assessing sustainability/ To what extent are the outcomes achieved, sustainable?
· What is the level of ownership within the Government and what are the prospects for further development of related interventions when external support is phased out? To what extent have relevant target groups (ministries, experts, NGOs, beneficiary groups) been involved in the implementation of the reform of the residential child care system, including in monitoring?
· How have activities related to implementation of the reform of the residential child care system contributed to improving institutional capacities of involved actors/ stakeholders? To what extent have the national human (professional/ expert) resources at both national and local level been empowered to continue transfer of knowledge?
· What is the financial/ economic viability for sustainability of National Strategy and Action Plan outcomes? A special focus will be made to analyze the amendments in the state budget in support to the deinstitutionalization process and what was their effect. Best practices and gaps should be identified, analyses and evidence-based recommendations should be made to redesign the state budget aimed at better use of resources and better coverage of beneficiaries (for example: which particular budget lines need to be amended, what savings can be made, where resources need redistribution fusing a needs based approach, etc) .
– assessing efficiency/ To what extent management of the implementation of the residential childcare system reform followed timelines?
· How well has the implementation of residential child care system reform been managed? To what extent activities are implemented as scheduled, how flexible was the management of the reform of the residential care in adapting to changing needs?
· How efficient have the financial resources been used?
· Did the management of the reform of the residential care ensure co-ordination with other similar interventions to encourage synergy and avoid overlaps?
– assessing impact/ To what extend and in what way the implementation of the reform of the residential child care system improved the situation of children, especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalised?
– Additional evaluation criteria, to be used are as follows:
· Coverage: Which vulnerable groups of children were reached? Have vulnerable children been reached, including girls, children from low-income families, ethnic minorities, children left behind because of migration etc.?
· Coordination: How the coordination mechanism was defined and divided between the Government, UNICEF and partner NGOs.What was the role of the MLSPF and Ministry of Education and other key actors in coordination of activities? What was the role of UNICEF and other donor agencies?
· Child opinion: What do children in residential care and children reintegrated into biological and other family-options think themselves about the improvements of their situation, especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalized? What has been improved and what has not been improved? What are their recommendations for the future in this regard?
– Assessing human rights-based approach and relevant cross-cutting issues / To what extent project outcomes contributed to achieving children’s rights and to what extent these contributed to addressing key cross-cutting issues?
· Does the implementation of the National Strategy and Action Plan actively contribute to the promotion of child rights?
· To what extent and in what way the National Strategy and Action Plan ensures a non-discriminatory and equity focus?
· Is the National Strategy and Action Plan gender sensitive?
III. Duties and Responsibilities:
The Consultant or Consulting Agency shall work in close consultation with the Terre des hommes staff and the assigned focal points from MoE, MLSPF and UNICEF. The Consultant or Consulting Agency key duties and responsibilities are to timely prepare/ submit a quality Analysis Report, performing, as follows:
a) Work closely with the international expert to ensure conceptual consistency in designing methodology, including evaluation tools, such as questionnaires and guides for interviews;
b) Collect and select project documents for evaluation and organize this information in English and Romanian ;
c) Undertake desk review and organize it in a manner for the international expert to understand the key relevant issues of the national child care system;
d) Coordinate and support evaluation activities: data retrieve, expert interviews, assessment, analysis, focus groups, meetings, etc.;
e) Make required arrangements for the arrival of the international expert in Moldova;
f) In close cooperation with the international expert, prepare the draft report with key findings, conclusions, recommendations and lessons learned based on the information used;
g) Participate actively to a process of reflection – during all the study – on the de-institutionalization process with the key stakeholders and in particular UNICEF, MoE and MLSPF. S/he will have the following more specific responsibilities:
– Moderate meetings,
– Follow up on meetings ,
– Propose specific recommendations for different parties involved in planning the next phase of deinstitutionalization process.
V. Deliverables
a) Evaluation methodology, including questionnaires, guides, documents to be used for the evaluation,
b) A first draft of the evaluation report of maximum 100 pages without annexes which will include the desk review, the field study and a conclusion with all key findings and recommendations,
c) An executive summary of the evaluation report of maximum 5 pages covering the main findings, best practices, challenges and recommendations
All deliverables should be in 3 languages: English, Romanian, and Russian.
VI. Competencies
a) for individuals
Qualification and experience
a) Postgraduate degree in Social Science, Psychology, Economy, Public Administration or related field:
b) Minimum four years of relevant experience. Expertise in conducting assessments, doing analysis and making recommendations for evidence based system reforms, preferably in the area of child protection systems and residential child care reform:
c) Excellent writing and good analyzing abilities. Proven experience in writing of analytical reports
d) Firsthand experience in assessment and analysis of social sector:
e) Experience in similar assignments with UNICEF or other UN and EU entities is an asset:
f) Good knowledge, understanding of the Moldova child protection systems – the setting, actors, circumstances and development context:
g) Proficiency in English, Romanian and Russion.
Competencies and skills
a) High analytical and conceptual skills. In particular, ability to collect and analyze data from a quantitative and qualitative perspective;
b) Ability to integrate knowledge and find links among various socio, economic, demographic, institutional, systematic issues, in particular strong understanding of the state budget
c) Ability to work both independently and in a team;
d) Focus on impact and results and responds positively to feedback;
e) Highly organized, detailed oriented;
f) Excellent verbal/written communication skills.
g) Self-initiative, resourcefulness, tact, and flexibility;
h) Excellent coordination and presentation skills;
i) Punctuality with producing outputs;
b) for Agency
a) Minimum four years of relevant experience. Expertise in conducting assessments, drafting analysis and recommendations for evidence based system reforms, preferably in the area of child protection systems and residential child care reform;
b) Proven experience in writing of analytical reports;
c) Firsthand experience in assessment and analysis of social sector;
d) Experience in similar assignment with UNICEF or other UN and EU entities is an asset;
e) Solid portfolio of local experts which corresponds to the qualifications referred to in the section „for individuals”.
a) High analytical and conceptual skills. In particular, ability to collect and analyze data from a quantitative and qualitative perspective;
b) Ability to integrate knowledge and find links among various socio, economic, demographic, institutional, systematic issues, in particular strong understanding of the financial state budget
c) Focus on impact and results and responds positively to feedback;
d) Highly organized, detailed oriented;
e) Self-initiative, resourcefulness, tact, and flexibility;
f) Punctuality with producing outputs;
VII. Reporting procedure/ Supervision
The Consultant or Consulting Agency will constantly report to Tdh Moldova Program Manager with regular de-briefing to the MoE, MLSPF representative and UNICEF. The Consultant or Consulting Agency will work on a daily basis with Tdh Moldova Program Manager.
VIII. Child protection procedures
The National Expert commits to respect Terre des hommes Child Protection Policy.
IX. Duration
It is estimated that the Consultant or Consulting Agency should complete its work within 6 months (from February to the end of July 2012).
Contract signature (before 1 February 2012)
Methodology elaboration is expected to be done in 17 February 2012.
Data collection, processing and analysis is expected to be done in 22 February – 30 March 2012
Report elaboration 02-20 April 2012.
Report validation before 15 May 2012.
Next phase elaboration June – July 2012.
Those data are only indicative. The schedule depends of the work schedule of the international expert who will lead the evaluation.
X. Remuneration
The Consultant or Consulting Agency is required to submit a concise project proposal outlining methodology and activities, timeframe and budget for consultancy fees. The remuneration will be determined based on various criteria including previous experience, timeframe and knowledge of the context.
XI. How to apply
The applications should include:
– Project proposal (including methodology, time schedule, work plan and budget);
– CV or for Consulting Agency the CVs of proposed national consultant(s).
Submit all of the required documents to the Tdh Moldova office, 6 Nicolae Iorga str., 1-2, MD 2009, Chisinau or by email to tdh-moldova@moldnet.md
XII. Deadline
The deadline for submission of the applications is 25 January 2012 but applications will be considered until a qualified candidate (person or Agency) is identified.