The Alliance of NGOs Active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Social Protection (APSCF) organised, on September 25, 2020 a workshop on prioritising the issues in the field of quality education, identified following a process of mapping and analysis of advocacy initiatives and organisations who plead in the field of education.
The workshop was attended by 16 organisations and CSOs doing advocacy for education. The workshop is part of a long-term participatory decision-making process in which the participating CSOs will agree on a shared advocacy agenda for solving priority issues in education.
Participants selected four major issues in the field of quality education, one of which will be the focus of an extensive advocacy campaign: 1) participatory involvement of young people in decision-making, 2) inclusive education and deinstitutionalisation, 3) discrimination and bullying in schools and 4) transparency in the financial management of educational institutions. The final goal of this process is the participatory development of a 3-year advocacy program based on the chosen priority topics, relevant to quality education.
The workshop was organized within the project “Together for quality education” implemented by APSCF and funded by the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED).