Implementating Child Protection Policies in educational institutions

In the context of the Memorandum of Understanding between APSCF and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, is was organised today the workshop “Implementation of Child Protection Policies in educational institutions”, attended by 44 people – MECC representatives, APSCF and ANET coordinators. The workshop aimed at consulting the opinion of ANET coordinators on the implementation of Child Protection Policies in all educational institutions and at developing a roadmap for implementation.

Ms. Natalia GRÎU, Secretary of State for education mentioned that the well-being of the child and ensuring a protective environment in schools is essential and is a fundamental right of every child. In this sense, it is necessary to analyze and discuss how we can ensure this, what tools we have and how to apply them. It is necessary to identify useful mechanisms for each child to be safe. Currently, the lack of reporting cases of abuse is a problem, which we want to solve and together with the MECC partners we intend to analyze the ANET mechanism and if necessary to adjust it.

Ms. Carolina Buzdugan, Secretary General of APSCF reiterated that respect for children’s rights also requires ensuring a protective environment in all educational institutions. As a civil society we have made a commitment to be partners of the Government, educational institutions, teachers. We want all educational institutions to be safe for all children and in this sense we want to contribute with the necessary support for educational institutions to develop and implement Child Protection Policies.

The participants discussed the challenges, but also the solutions for ensuring a protective environment for children in educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova, by implementing institutional policies for child protection. MECC has a significant track record in this regard, but the achievements that can be strengthened. The subject is a hot topict in the pandemic context, teachers being among the few or even the only ones who can communicate with children and can identify or prevent the abuse. The participants also discussed the elaboration of a roadmap on the implementation of the child protection policy within all educational institutions, as well as the support that APSCF can offer as a civil society in this process.